As cliched as it is, I’m not going to lie that for the last few days I’ve had Ace of Base’s catchy 90’s hit “The Sign” stuck in my head. Here at CASA of the River Region we have been gearing up for a yard sign campaign and for obvious reasons I’m now dealing with an earworm.
But, as I sing along in my head with the catchy tune, it does remind me of how so many people come to be court appointed special advocates. I have the great pleasure of hosting our 101 information sessions and one of my favorite things is getting to hear how different people have come to learn about CASA. Although every story is unique, there does tend to be a common theme throughout these stories: they heard about CASA many times before they decided to become a volunteer.
I often hear that they heard about CASA years ago and kept meaning to learn more. Maybe they saw our bus signs or heard our ads on WFPL. Maybe they have a friend or family member who volunteers. Some even have connections to the foster care system and knew a CASA who helped them or someone they care about. Whatever it maybe, there is usually a few different ways the prospective volunteer has heard of us.
Not surprisingly, this is in line with a well-known marketing policy called “The rule of 7.” Basically, it takes an average of seven interactions with your brand before a purchase will take place. Of course, we are not selling anything, and this concept started in the business world, but the principal still stands. The more we can get the name of CASA out there, the more people may want to “buy in” and become a court appointed special advocate.
And that’s why we’re asking you to consider placing one of our signs in your yard. It’s just another chance to get CASA out there for people to see. Who knows, your sign might be the seed that plants the idea of someone volunteering with us, or it might be that seventh time that seals the deal for them. Our hope is to have signs up from October till the end of the year, but understand not everyone may be able to do that.
If you would like to sign up for a sign, CLICK HERE to let me know where I can deliver your sign and when you’d like it picked up. That’s it, I’ll do all the work for you!