Phyllis Broughton became very aware of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) in 2009 after seeing the impact a CASA had in the life of a child she knew. As a mother of three and grandmother to five, she decided that after retirement, she would devote some of her spare time to help children through difficult situations.
"I’ve always loved children. I’m blessed with two granddaughters and three grandsons. I think it’s important to be there for kiddos, so they feel loved and important to someone," Broughton shared. That is why in 2019, she completed CASA training and is entering fer fifth year serving as an advocate for children in her community.
Her favorite part about being a CASA is being there for the child, whether to listen or to help provide for needs. "I had one case with three children who ended up being reunited. It was an awesome feeling to see the mother work her program and get her babies back."
Phyllis has continued with CASA because she views the opportunity to make an impact on a child’s life as important. She added, "A child needs to know that someone is in their corner."
As a Court Appointed Special Advocate, you can also make a positive impact in the lives of children. CASA provides specialized training to prepare volunteers for this important role. Training classes for early 2024 are forming now. Learn more here.