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Vision challenges are easy to miss among the children assigned to us, yet being aware of their potential existence is crucial. Poor eyesight can lead to a host of complications, including misbehavior, social ostracization, poor grades, and truancy. Schools can sometimes spot these issues, but even when they’re identified, parents may fail to heed instructions from educators on remedial steps to take. ​​Making the issue more immediately crucial is the fact that students haven’t been in school for several months, and many won’t return to the classroom for several more months. Since August is national Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month, CASA is providing you with some signs that may help you identify vision problems for professional examination, as well as some resources for getting them addressed.

From, here’s what to watch for before children are old enough for school:

  • Constant eye-rubbing

  • Extreme light sensitivity

  • Poor focusing

  • Poor visual tracking (following an object)

  • Abnormal alignment or movement of the eyes (after 6 months of age)

  • Chronic redness of the eyes

  • Chronic tearing of the eyes

In school-age children, other signs to watch for include:

  • Inability to see objects at a distance

  • Trouble reading the blackboard

  • Squinting

  • Difficulty reading

  • Sitting too close to the TV

What do you do if you suspect vision problems?

  1. Bring up your suspicion to the child’s guardians and send an email to any Cabinet worker assigned to the case.

  2. If the child is enrolled in school, alert the teacher. You may also talk to the resource official at the school for recommendations on how guardians may obtain and pay for eye care.

  3. If testing is recommended and corrective measures are prescribed, you may need to follow-up with the guardians to ensure compliance and that whatever symptoms alerted you to the possibility of vision difficulties are abated.   

If you need additional assistance, always feel free to enlist the counsel and support of your supervisor.


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